Thursday, April 25, 2013


Unique vintage medal honoring St. Christopher.  

Legend has it that St. Christopher made his living by carrying people across a river. One day, a child asked to be carried across. When St. Christopher put the child on his shoulders he found the child was unbelievably heavy. The child, was Christ carrying the weight of the whole world. Christopher means Christ-bearer.

St. Christopher is the patron of travelers. His feast day is celebrated on July 25.

O Lord, we humbly ask you to give Your Almighty protection to all travelers.
Accept our fervent and sincere prayers that through Your great power and unfaltering spirit, those who travel may reach their destination safe and sound.

Grant Your divine guidance and infinite wisdom to all who operate automobiles, trains, plans and boats. Inspire them with due sense of duty and knowledge and help them guide those entrusted in their care to complete their travel safely.

We thank You, Oh Lord, for Your great mercy and unending love to all mankind and for extending Your arm of protection to all travelers.


Beautiful and unique medals honoring our saints and celebrating special moments in our lives on

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