Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Unique medal honoring St. Benedict.

Benedict was born in Nursia, Italy in 480.  He was born into Roman nobility and was the twin brother of St. Scholastica.  While studying in Rome he was disappointed by the corruption and temptations of the time.  He withdrew from society and became a hermit in a cave near Subiaco and remained there for three years  in the care of a monk named Romans.  He was known for his holiness, wisdom and miracles that spread far and wide.  While in the cave, he was asked to be an abbot in a nearby community of monks.  He accepted, but when the monks resisted his strict rule and tried to poison him, he left.  In 530 Benedict began a great monastery at Monte Cassino, the birthplace of Western monasticism.  There he wrote "the Holy Rule," a system employing prayer, study, work moderate asceticism, community life, and common sense.  The spirit of St. Benedict's Rule is summed up in the motto of the Benedictine Confederation: pax ("peace") and the traditional ora et labor ("pray and work").

St. Benedict is the patron against evil and protector of Europe.  His feast day is celebrated on July 11th.

Gracious and Holy Father, please give me: intellect to understand you, reason to discern you, diligence to seek you, wisdom to find you, a spirit to know you, a heart to meditate upon you, ears to hear you, eyes to see you, a tongue to proclaim you, a way of life pleasing to you, patience to wait for you and perseverance to look for you.  Grant me a perfect end, your holy presence, a blessed resurrection and life everlasting.   
+ St. Benedict +

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